IJMEMR Volume 6 Issue 1, March 2018
International Journal of Modern Engineering & Management Research
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1. |
Highly Secured Intellectual Graphical CAPTCHA
Author(s): Devendra Kumar, Sanjay Sharma | OIST, Bhopal
05-10 |
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A Result on Improved Diffie-Hellman key exchange using Elliptic Curve (IDHECC) Scheme for securing Mobile Adhoc Network Routing Data using AODV Protocol
Author(s): Khushboo Kushwaha, Deepak Agrawal | TIET, Jabalpur
11-15 |
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Analysis of Sub-Synchronous Resonance in Series Compensated Transmission Line Using Simulation of IEEE First Benchmark Model
Author(s): Vivek Jain, Ashok Soni | GGCT, Jabalpur
16-22 |
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A Review on Key Logger Malware Detection Concerning Password Opacity
Author(s): Somya Shrivastava, Bhupendra Panchal OIST | Oriental, Bhopal
23-30 |
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A Review on Real Time Gesture Recognition in OpenCV
Author(s): Bhartendu Tiwari, Sanjay Sharma | OIST, Bhopal
31-35 |
6. |
Centriod Selection Process Using WCSS and Elbow Method for K-Mean Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining
Author(s): Shikha Kushwaha, Deepak Agrawal | TIET, Jabalpur
31-35 |
Impact Factor
2015 : 3.445
2018 : 4.199
Publication Charges Rs. 2500/- Paper