IJMEMR Volume 5 Issue 2, June 2017
International Journal of Modern Engineering & Management Research
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1. |
Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for Power System Hybridization
Author(s): Upendra Kumar Bhusan | ITM University, Gwalior
05-10 |
2. |
Secure Encryption Key Generation Distribution File in Multiple Cloud Server
Author(s) : Mahendra Gatwar, Abhishek Pandey | TIET, Jabalpur
11-15 |
3. |
Improved Centriod Selection Process for K-Mean Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining
Author(s) : Ruchita Tiwari, Anupam Choudhary, Sapna Choudhary | SRGI, Jabalpur
16-21 |
4. |
An Efficient FPGA Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm Using S-Box
Author(s) : Pragya Mishra, Prajyant Pathak | LNCT, Jabalpur |
22-26 |
5. |
Enhancing Performance of Apriori Algorithm with Modification of Candidate Set and Reducing Database Scanning in Data Mining
Author(s) : Vivek Tiwari, Anupam Choudhary, Sapna Choudhary | SRGI, Jabalpur
27-32 |
6. |
Improved QoS via Ranking in Ad hoc Cloud over MANET
Author(s) Sadhana Tripathi, Mukta Bhatele | GGITS, Jabalpur
33-38 |
7. |
Ad-hoc Mobile Cloud Computing Modeling Using Cloudlet Approach with Secure Data Transfer
Author(s) : Anshita Khare, Mukta Bhatele | GGITS, Jabalpur
39-46 |
8. |
Power Efficient 14T Full Adder with Body Biasing Technique
Author(s) : Somya Singh, Shyam Akashe | ITM University, Gwalior
47-52 |
9. |
Ambient Power Supply Driven VHDL – CPLD Implementation of Data Acquisition System
Author(s) : Ajay P Thakare | Amravati (Maharashtra) rolex replica
53-59 |
10. |
Modification using π Matching Network in Harvesting Circuit
Author(s) : Aparna Sikarwar, Sumit Mohantey | ITM University, Gwalior
60-63 |
11. |
Low Power and High Performance DF Futilizing by Self-Controllable Voltage Level Circuit
Author(s): Ashirwad Pandey, Shyam Akashe, ITM University Gwalior
64-69 |
12. |
A Review on Various Techniques for FIR Filter Design
Author(s): Soniya Gogya, Mohit Khilwani | TIET, Jabalpur
70-75 |
13. |
An Efficient Implementation of Zigbee Transmitter on FPGA Using Verilog
Author(s): Karunakar Kumar Rajan, Santosh Kumar Chouhan | TIET, Jabalpur
76-80 |
14. |
Power Oscillation Damping by Using SSSC With And Without Pod Controller In Electrical Power Transmission System
Author(s): Weethi Shrivastava, Nisheet Soni, R. P. Bhatele | SRIT, Jabalpur
81-87 |
15. |
Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Mental Health of Adolescents
Author(s): Neha Yadav, RDVV, Jabalpur
88-94 |
16. |
Massive Data Processing in Map Reduce Surroundings
Author(s): Manoj Dwivedi, Deepak Agrawal, TIET, Jabalpur
95-99 |
17. |
Architecture and Implementation of Multi Tier Authentication Scheme Cloud
Author(s) : Dharmendra
Likhare, Saket Kumar Soni, Anupam Choudhary
100-108 |
Impact Factor
2015 : 3.445
2018 : 4.199
Publication Charges Rs. 2500/- Paper