IJMEMR Volume 2 issue 3, September 2014
International Journal of Modern Engineering & Management Research
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1. |
Design a Very Highly Avalanched Encryption Technique for Secure Networks
Author (s) : Shikha Patel, Prof. Papiya Dutta, GGCT, Jabalpur |
05-08 |
2. |
Parallel Distributed Arithmetic Technique for Discrete Wavelet Transform, Low Latency & High Throughput
Author (s) : Sara Varghese, Ptof. Utsav Malviya, G.G.I.T.S, Jabalpur |
09-11 |
3. |
XXTEA an Optimized Encryption Design with High Feedback Substitution Box Architecture
Author (s) : Satish Kumar Vishwakarma, Prof. Shivam Khare | VITS, Jabalpur |
12-16 |
4. |
Alternate Strip Millimeter Wave Dipole Antenna
Author (s) : Waqar Yunus, Prof. Zohaib Hasan | GGITS, Jabalpur Rolex Replica Watches
17-19 |
5. |
Performance of Gaussian and Soliton pulse in Optical OFDM System
Author (s) : Ruhi Khetrapal , Vipul Awasthi | GGITS., Jabalpur |
20-25 |
6. |
Removing Image Gaussian Noise Using Riesz Wavelet Transform and SVM
Author (s) : Mukta Bhatele, Siddharth Bhalerao, Kartik Shukla |
26-33 |
7. |
Design and Implementation of Pipelined 4-Bit Binary Multiplier Using M.G.D.I. Technique
Author(s): Nitin Singh, M.Zahid Alam | L.N.C.T., Bhopal |
34-40 |
8. |
An Efficient Adaptive RNS Filter Design on High Speed FPGA
Author (s): Divyansh Namdev, Rakesh Patel | Takshshila, Jabalpur |
41-45 |
9. |
Image Compression Organizing Map
Author(s): Shabbir Ahmad, M.R. Aloney, Bhagwant University, Ajmer www.swiss-clock.me
46-54 |
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2015 : 3.445
2018 : 4.199
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