IJMEMR Volume 1 issue 1, April 2013
International Journal of Modern Engineering & Management Research
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1. |
A Preliminary Study on Sketch Based Image Retrieval System Approach
Author (s) : Jyoti Jain, Balram Puruswani, Gyan Ganga, Jabalpur
05-12 |
2. |
An Article on Study of the Methods to Remove Natural Radioactivity from Water body: Safety Measures and caution to prevent Radioactive Pollution
Author (s) : Dr. Hemlata Bundela, Vishal Bharadwaj, Dr. Rashmi Saxena, Archana Mall Rolex Replica Watches
13-21 |
3. |
A report on Applications of different methods for colourfastness in fabric materials: Analysis of the properties of fabric
Author (s) : Archna Mall, Neha Mall |
22-24 |
4. |
A Report on Applications of Nuclear Energy as a Potential Alternative Energy Source to Satisfy Increasing Energy Crises: Recent Developments in the Field of Nuclear Power Generation
Author (s) : Vishal Bhradwaj, Dr. Hemlata Bundela, Dr. Rashmi Saxena |
25-32 |
5. |
Study the Activity of Thermophilic yeasts on Wheat Flour Media: Production of Extra Cellular Raw Starch Digestive Amylase Enzymes.
Author (s) :Dr Rani Ayachi |
33-37 |
6. |
Status of Internet Users in Engineering Colleges of Jabalpur City: A Study
Author (s) : Dr. Ashutosh Upadhyay, Dr. Avinash Shukla |
38-42 |
7. |
An Article on Evaluation Study of the Properties of PMMA Based Materials: Extension of their Applications in Different Fields
Author(s) : Ashish Kumar, Dr. Hemlata Bundela |
43-47 |
8. |
Choice of Core Material in Transformers Feeding Non-Linear Loads
Author(s) : Dr. Subhash JoshI, Hari Om Gupta, Pramoad Agarwal Replica Watches
48-54 |
9. |
Design & Implementation of Area and Speed Optimized FFT Processor Using New Vedic cum Wallace Multiplication Approach.
Author(s) : Namrata Mishra, Utsav Malviya
| G.G.I.T.S. Jabalpur |
55-58 |
10. |
Harmonics Voltage Stability and Power Quality Improvement Using PWM Compensation Technique
Author(s) : Shraddha Tiwari, A. K. Sharma | Jabalpur Engineering College |
59-64 |
11. |
A Review Harmonics Voltage Stability and Power Quality Improvement Using PWM Technique
Author(s) : Shraddha Tiwari, A. K. Sharma | Jabalpur Engineering College |
65-70 |
12. |
Internet Topology Model: in a Nutshell
Author(s) : Anvesh Singh, Dr. Gireesh Kumar Dixit | MPM Bhopal |
71-74 |
13. |
Application Based Routing in Hybrid Wireless Networks
Author(s) : Neha Singh Chauhan, Dr. Gireesh Kumar Dixit | MPM Bhopal |
75-80 |
14. |
Refining BGP Efficiency : A Case Study
Author(s) : Reena Shakya , Dr. Gireesh Kumar Dixit | MPM Bhopal |
81-86 |
15. |
Empirical Study of Advance Channel Information of AODV Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc N/W
Author(s): Shubham Baronia, Harsh Kumar Singh, Javed Akhtar Khan |
87-92 |
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2015 : 3.445
2018 : 4.199
Publication Charges Rs. 2500/- Paper