IJMEMR Volume 1 issue 2, July 2013
International Journal of Modern Engineering & Management Research
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1. |
Change of Filler from Talc to Wet Ground Calcium Carbonate-A Noble Way to Reduce Fiber Consumption
Author (s) : Ajinkya Deepak Anjikar | Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,
Amravati |
05-17 |
2. |
Simulation and Analysis of DG-MOSFET for Ultra Low Power
Author(s) : Sara Varghese, Prof. Deepak Asati | G.G.I.T.S, Jabalpur |
18-20 |
3. |
Cloud Rendering System
Author(s) : Mukta Bhatele, Yogesh Khullar |
21-27 |
4. |
An Approach for Image Matching based on ACO Fuzzyfication
Author(s) : Sourabh Jain, Dr. Sadhna Mishra, Prof. Vineet Richariya | L.N.C.T.,
Bhopal |
28-33 |
5. |
Visual Cryptography Schemes: A Comparative Survey
Author(s) : Mukta Bhatele, L. N. Pandey |
34-40 |
6. |
Improvement Electrical Insulation for Partial Discharge : Using Large Capacitors Technique System
Author(s) : Amita Jain, Prof. Arun Pachori | JEC, Jabalpur |
41-45 |
7. |
Computer Aided Design of Ginning Machine Gear Box and its Performance Evaluation
Author (s) : Parag S. Warghade, Prof N. W. Kale, Prof. A.V. Akhare, Prof. A. S. Wagh |
46-52 |
8. |
Secure Transmission of Medical Images by Applying Wavelet and Neural Networks
Author (s) : Mukta Bhatele, Neelu Dubey, Neeraj Shukla, Sandeep Kumar Gupta |
53-59 |
9. |
Reduction of Flooding Disruption Attacks in Hierarchical Optimized Link State Routing (HOLSR) Networks Using NS-3
Author (s) : Priyanka Gupta, Prof. Manoj Dhawan | Vaishnav Institute, Indore |
60-71 |
10. |
Implementation of New Approach of Kalman Filter for Highly Noise Resistive Communication
Author (s) : Salil Jain, Prof. Ravi Mohan, SRIT, Jabalpur |
72-77 |
11 |
Social Image Retrieval using Tag Relevance with Neighbourhood Voting
Author (s) : Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Prof. Hitesh Gupta, Patel Institute, Bhopal |
78-88 |
12 |
FPGA Based an Unique Modulo Multiplier Design for High Speed Secure Network
Author (s) : Santosh Chouhan, Prof. Sumit Sharma, Prof. Ravi Mohan | Shri Ram Institute, Jabalpur |
89-95 |
13 |
Line Loss Calculation, Reduction Analysis and Load Current Variation in Amarkantak to Jabalpur (MPPTCL) Transmission Line
Author (s) : Bushra Anjum, Prof. Arun Pachori, JEC, Jabalpur |
96-100 |
14. |
A Watermarking Scheme Based on Authority Defined Pixel Location Based on Singular Value Decomposition
Author (s) : Sweta Gupta, Prof. Sandeep Kumar Gupta |
101-106 |
15. |
Website Generator on Hospital Management System
Author (s) : Devanshu Saraf, Javed Akhtar Khan, | TIET, Jabalpur |
107-109 |
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2018 : 4.199
Publication Charges Rs. 2500/- Paper