IJMEMR Volume 4 issue 2, June 2016
International Journal of Modern Engineering & Management Research
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1. |
Study of the characteristics of Impulse Voltage Generator Evaluate the effect of Variation by Simulation in Different Experimental Situations
Author(s) : Ashish Shrivas, JEC, Jabalpur
05-08 |
2. |
Comparison of Term Weighting Models for Retrieval of Information
Author(s) : Prachi Garhewal, Anupam Choudhary, Santosh Kumar
09-13 |
3. |
A Novel Approach to Identify Terrorist Using Combination of K-Mean & Farthest First Algorithm
Author(s) : Amit Kumar, Sanjay Gupta, Saurabh Kumar Singh
14-19 |
4. |
Effect of Lime on Strength Characteristic of Fly Ash Concrete
Author(s) : Vinay Singh, R. K. Yadav, Dr. Rajeev Chandak
20-23 |
5. |
Proper Resource Utilization and Their Monitoring Using Advance Java Agent In Cloud Computing
Author(s) : Raj Vikram, Sanjay Gupta, VITS, Jabalpur
24-29 |
6. |
A Brief Overview of Cloud Computing
Author(s) : Dr. Sudeep Kishore Sharma, Amaresh Singh, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology Jabalpur
30-37 |
7. |
Review of Authentication Mechanisms in Cloud Computing
Author(s) :
Dharmendra Likhare, Saket Kumar Soni, Anupam Choudhary
38-46 |
Impact Factor
2015 : 3.445
2018 : 4.199
Publication Charges Rs. 2500/- Paper